Showing category "my-beauty-blog" (Show all posts)

Useful Cosmetic Surgery Tips You May Not Have Heard

Posted by Jessica Williams on Saturday, March 16, 2013, In : Cosmetic Surgery 
Forty is the new thirty? Everyone wants to look younger. There are so many advantages to plastic surgery nowadays. If you are considering talking to a doctor about improving your appearance, this article contains information to assist you in making that decision by providing you with important information and tips.

If you smoke, you should quit one month before your surgery. There are some plastic surgeons that will not do the procedure on you if you're currently smoking. Smoking can lower you...

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Growing A Garden To Help With Your Beauty Routine

Posted by Jessica Williams on Sunday, February 3, 2013, In : Beauty Tips 
Beauty is something that almost everybody can enjoy. It can be, however, a bit overwhelming to chose from the wide variety of brushes, creams and potions available today. What is a novice to do? Reading the tips below is a good place to begin.

If you usually get bags underneath the eyes and dark circles, there is a solution! Use facial moisturizer and massage it around your eyes, beginning around the outer area and moving inward. This helps with drainage and gives your face a nice youthful glo...
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Locating The Best Acne Treatment Products

Posted by Jessica Williams on Wednesday, January 16, 2013, In : Acne 
Suffering from acne? Then you probably realize it is problematic when trying to find the best acne products on the market. The difficulty lies in the fact that each person has a different type of acne. Everybody's skin is different. Some products work for you, but not your friend. Locating products that work for you, therefore, may cost you money and precious time. Obviously if you suffer from a severe case of acne or a skin disorder you will want to work with your dermatologist. It is possib...
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Five Splendid Strategies for A Better Breast

Posted by Jessica Williams on Tuesday, August 14, 2012, In : Breast Health 
Fats to Stay Away From

Avoid saturated animal fats, trans fats, and surplus amounts of omega-6 efas. These fats have been associated with an increased risk of breast tumor.

Having a diet full of saturated animal fats, like those present in beef and high-fat dairy products, notably increases your risk of breast cancer. A study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute in 2003 interviewed 90,655 ladies and discovered that young, pre-menopausal women between the ages of 26 and 46 w...
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Wish to Appear Stunning? Check Out These 5 Excellent Beauty Strategies.

Posted by Jessica Williams on Monday, July 9, 2012, In : Beauty Tips 
Everyone wants to be beautiful, but do they truly understand how to? Here are five ways to help you out.

Raw foodstuff is the best: Taking in raw food items implies not overcooking your foods. This type of approach will enhance your beauty, considering that raw food items are still packed with minerals, enzymes, along with other nutrients that can take care of your skin tone and hair. Aside from that, it has been verified that raw food items can make wrinkles and liver spots less noticeable.

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About Me

Jessica Williams I am Jessica, owner of this website. A beauty expert by training, this website is where I will share all my beauty secrets from my experience.

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